So as quick as he began, Dave is done! Our monster drum tracks now have a firm partner in Daves bass work. It pretty much took a day and a half and he was done. We ended up sticking with the '76 Fender Jazz / Ampeg combo, as we only had a '93 Fender Jazz we must make a point to thank our friend Karris for being trusting enough to lend us that beautiful instrument, it really did make the difference. So we now have the basis for 10 songs plus our little outro down, I can pretty safely leak the track listing here : control / under a new sun / delerium & desire / down to size / taste of deceit / the sleeper / a thousand shades of you / collapse / despondency / cast in stone / departure ... can you feel it? We surely can!:)
So now Marty & Dave can kick back because its my head on the chopping block for the next two weeks:) A shit load of Jeff's guitars just showed up and I'm about to feel like a kid in a candy store:) gibsons, fenders, double neck matons, dan electro etc... I know all you Jeff Martin guitar nerds out there are totally going to be drooling over the next bunch on blogs:) So in true Mr. Martin style our sessions are making there way into the evening which is very fitting for the brand of dark rock n' roll we are making here, this thing is shaping up to be a monster:) - Mark
Excellent! I am really excited about this! I am sure it will sound killer!!!!
yay, i agree with lea, very excited!!!! good luck with the next few days hun, i hope it all goes smoothly, and most of all i hope you have a wonderful time! xoxoxo
Awesome doodes! Have you got Jeff talking in falsetto yet? haha
Say hello to JM! What's the dog called?
Mike & Julia
Toggle says hello!
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